The virtual capital (100K Turkish Liras) has been invested in various financial instruments denominated in Turkish Liras since 15.09.2015.
The target is to outperform the interest rate while being protected from volatile value of Turkish Lira.
The tools available are: Turkish Stock Exchange(BIST 100), USD, EUR, Gold, Interest Rates(Monthly,).By allocating the not invested cash to 3 seperate Savings Accounts , the interest accumulated on the monthly interest will not be lost completely when opportunities arise for partial investment-thus closing the related size interest account.
BIST 100 found support around 71.000. Looking for 69-70.000 levels to open a position.
USD/TL weekly graph is below. Looking for levels around 2,85 to increase the allocation.
EUR /TL weekly graph is below.
Gold continues its uptrend. Looking for 110-115 level to open a position.
Since the recent update , part of the capital allocated to daily interest (10.556,13 TL) is switched to Monthly Interest as of today since the market seems to stabilize around these levels
The current distribution is summarized below: