Thursday, May 9, 2019

9/5/2019 BIST 30 Position opened

USD/TL broke through 5.9 due to mostly political instability.
BIST 30 has been sold off sharply.
USD-EUR-GOLD positions will be kept till current sentiment shifts back to normal.
BIST 30 position opened by closing fictional monthly interest account #2 and transferring 5.202,5 from fictional monthly interest account #1. to rebalance the portfolio.

Next target for the USD/ TL is around 6,5. 

First target for the EUR/ TL is around 7,5.

Position is increased around 110.000 in BIST 30. More position can be added around 100.000. 

 Next target for the GAU/TRY is around 270-275.


To summarize; Fund return is close to USD/TRY and EUR/TRY Return . Better than, Interest Return and BIST30 return, and lower than GOLD/TRY return since inception.

Friday, April 12, 2019

12/4/2019 USD and GOLD hit the first target

Turkish stock market had a wild swing before and after the elections. The uncertainty still goes on in Istanbul. 

The USD and GOLD hit the initial targets.Positions are reduced and allocated to fictional monthly interest account#2.

Below are the weekly charts:

 9.520,34 Turkish lira worth of position is converted to TL.  Next target for the USD/ TL is around 6,5. 

First target for the EUR/ TL is around 6,7-6,75.

Position will be increased around 110.000 in BIST 30. 

7.766,56 Turkish lira worth of position is converted to TL. Next target for the GAU/TRY is around 270-275.


To summarize; Fund return is close to USD/TRY and EUR/TRY Return . Better than, Interest Return and BIST30 return, and lower than GOLD/TRY return since inception.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

23/1/2019 Bist 30 close to target and position closed/ EUR position increased.

Global Markets recovered as almost never seen before.  Turkish stock market joined the party and had a run close to the target.

Position in BIST 30 is closed and shifted 15.000 TL to Monthly interest account #1 and 14.247,53 TL is allocated to EUR. 

Below are the weekly charts:

   First target for the USD/ TL is around 5.8-5,85. There was a spike near the target but sold off when trading was not possible so no profit was taken.

First target for the EUR/ TL is around 6,7-6,75.

Position will be increased around 110.000 in BIST 30. 

First target for the GAU/TRY is around 240-245.


To summarize; Fund return is better than USD/TRY and EUR/TRY Return again. Also better than, Interest Return and BIST30 return, and lower than GOLD/TRY return since inception.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

3/1/2019 Position Update- BIST 30 position opened

Global Markets sold off sharply since last update. Turkish stock market is close to significant lows. Namely trading around 200 week MA.

Position in Monthly interest account #1 is closed and 17.390,098 TL is allocated to BIST 30. Also EUR/TL position is reduced by 8.362,51 TL and allocated also to BIST 30.

Below are the weekly charts:

   First target for the USD/ TL is around 5.8-5,85.

First target for the EUR/ TL is around 6,7-6,75.

Position will be increase around 100.000 in BIST 30. Initial targer is around 130.000.

First target for theGAU/TRY is around 240-245.


To summarize; Fund return is better than Interest Return and BIST30 return, close to USD/TRY, EUR/TRY  and lower than GOLD/TRY return since inception.

Below is the summary: